Having grown up with dogs as pets my husband Ernie and I knew we would get another dog after we had to have our dog Honey put to sleep on Friday, September 13, 2013. We spent a week or so reading about different breeds and searching internet adoption sites. You can get a feel for a dog that way, but its best to see one in person. My husband used his next day off, a Tuesday, to visit shelters in person. When he picked me up from work later that day he asked if I was up to making another trip to the shelter. He had seen a dog earlier that day that he wanted to show me. Unfortunately that dog had already been adopted. On our way out we happened to pass by a cute little white dog who was lying quietly and wagging her tail. We fell in love. We told a worker that we wanted a chance to see her and interact with her. It didn't take long for the 3 of us to endear ourselves to each other.So in September we became parents to Swee Dee whose picture I now share with you.