After high school I, like most high school graduates of my time, went away to college. After graduating from a high school class of 588, I was determined to be not just a number in college. So I chose a small school-Macmurray College. There I made many friends most of whom I still keep in touch with.
First among them were my 2 roommates, BHM and SWB. Next would be my college sweetheart LRJ. Even though we broke up during the summer in between our junior and senior years, I still consider him a friend. These three people led me to befriend many more classmates. We used to do everything in groups-- eat together, play together, study together, attend Sunday church services together, cheer on our school sports teams together, etc. After graduation I had some part in most of their weddings. Eventually we all ended up with jobs in different parts of the country- but we do still manage to keep in touch now and then.
After college I really never had a lifelong BFF. There were people that I worked with and neighbors that I hung out with for awhile, but no one today that I go shopping with, go to movies with or just simply hang out and chat with. I've always thought that was a missing piece of my life. Of course there is my hubby of almost 30 years who still makes me laugh and whom I share deepest feelings with but he's not a female BFF. Oh well maybe some of us are just meant. to be in the world with a mate and several acquaintances
or by ourselves.
Until next time,
Think, Live and Be painfree
by ourselves.