Sunday, April 25, 2010



Sunday, April 25, 20010

I started this blog a while ago, but got busy and haven't added to it. News here- A sleep study done on Friday, April 16.2010 means that I am now one of the latest additions to the world of CPAP machine users. Ernie said he could tell a difference immediately. He usually goes to bed later than I do. My first night with the machine, he said when he came to bed, I was just lying there quietly sleeping and breathing. My normal nighttime includes, snoring, coughing, pain, panic attacks, getting up to go to the bathroom, being up for an hour or so 2 or 3 times a night. What a difference !! It was short-lived though as I am having some trouble with the mask. I am a words person and the instructions are only in pictures. I do best when I have a combination of words and pictures. Also, I have to take this apparatus apart every day to clean it, and never seem to get it put together exactly right. I know there is lots of help out there, so I will look into it. Hoping things get better, as the device really seems to be worthwhile. I can't keep falling asleep at work during the day.